Un simple champ rectangulaire a été transformé en un petit paradis sur terre. Je ne suis pas écologiste dans le sens politique du terme, mais j'ai la conscience de tous les petits gestes du quotidien pour préserver notre monde.
ASITA Eco Resort est basée sur cette prise de conscience. Les matériaux utilisés sont proches de la nature : bois brut, pierres, terre cuite, plantations, une rivière artificielle avec son écosystème... Dans ce domaine, vous avez seulement des ampoules basse consommation, la piscine est sans chlore mais utilise de l'eau salée.
C'est un havre de paix situé à seulement 1 h 30 de l'agitation de Huahin ou Bangkok. Il est assez difficile de réaliser que vous êtes si proche de grandes villes.
Le personnel bien formé est amical et efficace. Les chambres sont spacieuses, bien conçus et confortables et le restaurant propose un large éventail de la bonne nourriture.
La proximité des attractions touristiques majeures, comme le marché flottant de Damnoen Saduak (pour les touristes occidentaux, mais vous devez le visiter au moins une fois), Amphawa marché flottant (mon préféré parce que de loin le plus authentique, avec très peu de visiteurs occidentaux mais beaucoup de Thaïs), les lucioles d'Amphawa, le marché de Maeklong avec le train qui le traverse, font de ce domaine un endroit incontournable.
En bref, un superbe week-end pour un prix très raisonnable. Je ne peux que recommander cet endroit et bien sûr, j'y retournerai.
Thanks to the recommendation of friends we unearthed a true little jewel nestled in nature. A simple rectangular field was transformed into a small paradise on Earth. I'm not green in the political sense of the term, but I have a consciousness of all small gestures of everyday life to preserve our world. Asita Eco Resort is based on this awareness. The materials used are close to nature: raw wood, stones, Terra cotta, plantations, an artificial river with its ecosystem... In this field, you only have low consomption bulbs, the pool is without chlorine but uses salt water. It is a haven of peace located just 1½ hours from the hustle and bustle of Huahin or Bangkok. It is quite difficult to realize that you are so close from major towns. The well trained staff is friendly and efficient. Rooms are large, well designed and comfortable and the restaurant proposes a wide range of good food. The close proximity to major tourist attractions, like the floating market of Damnoen Saduak (for Western tourists but you have to visit it at least once), Amphawa floating market (my favorite because by far the most authentic, a very few westerner visitors, but lots of Thais), fireflies of Amphawa, Maeklong Market train, make this resort an essential place. In short, a superb weekend for a very reasonnable price. I can only recommend this place and for sure, I will return.
Thanks to the recommendation of friends we unearthed a true little jewel nestled in nature. A simple rectangular field was transformed into a small paradise on Earth. I'm not green in the political sense of the term, but I have a consciousness of all small gestures of everyday life to preserve our world. Asita Eco Resort is based on this awareness. The materials used are close to nature: raw wood, stones, Terra cotta, plantations, an artificial river with its ecosystem... In this field, you only have low consomption bulbs, the pool is without chlorine but uses salt water. It is a haven of peace located just 1½ hours from the hustle and bustle of Huahin or Bangkok. It is quite difficult to realize that you are so close from major towns. The well trained staff is friendly and efficient. Rooms are large, well designed and comfortable and the restaurant proposes a wide range of good food. The close proximity to major tourist attractions, like the floating market of Damnoen Saduak (for Western tourists but you have to visit it at least once), Amphawa floating market (my favorite because by far the most authentic, a very few westerner visitors, but lots of Thais), fireflies of Amphawa, Maeklong Market train, make this resort an essential place. In short, a superb weekend for a very reasonnable price. I can only recommend this place and for sure, I will return.