Vendredi 2 juillet, nous nous regrouperons le soir à Roissy, Stéphanie et les Gremlins d'un côté, Michèle et moi de l'autre, pour prendre un vol pour Bangkok via Muscate en Sultanat d'Oman. Nous arriverons samedi soir vers 20h45 à Suvarnabhumi où un minivan nous conduira à Hua Hin.
This is the last week before departure and the preparations begin. Being 6 to travel imposes a certain discipline that does not prevent us to forget the essential thing which we will never use...
On Friday July 2, we will meet in Roissy late evening, Stephanie and the Gremlins on one side, Michele and I on the other, to take a flight to Bangkok via Muscate in Sultanate of Oman. We will arrive Saturday evening around 8h45 pm to Suvarnabhumi where a minivan will lead us to Hua Hin.
On Friday July 2, we will meet in Roissy late evening, Stephanie and the Gremlins on one side, Michele and I on the other, to take a flight to Bangkok via Muscate in Sultanate of Oman. We will arrive Saturday evening around 8h45 pm to Suvarnabhumi where a minivan will lead us to Hua Hin.